The Andes Society for History and Culture
Upcoming Events

                       2019 Events

Spring General Meeting
Monday April 15th 6:00 PM
Hunting Tavern
Dish-to-pass at 6:00 PM followed by Andes “Wedding Video” from 1986. All members, guests and public are welcome.

Summer Concert
Saturday, July 13th
Catskill Tales and Tunes starting at 7:00 PM at the Pleasant Valley Meeting Hall.

Rest In Peace
Saturday, August 3rd
Exhibit of pictures of Andes cemeteries and maps
Hunting Tavern Museum

Rest In Peace in the Cemetery
Sunday, August 4th
Tour of Andes Cemetery led by ASHC board member Jim Andrews
Andes Cemetery (across from the post office)

Andes Community Day
Saturday, August 10th
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Andes Bicentennial/Community Day starting after the parade, 11:00 AM.

Brats and Beers, hot dogs, german potato salad, soda, water
noon until 3 pm (or until food runs out)
Tours at the Hunting Tavern Museum.

Volunteers appreciated!

The Town That Shot the Sheriff
Saturday, August 10th
7 pm
Pleasant Valley Meeting House (383 Cty Highway 1)
Premiere Highlights of the film by Victoria Kupchinetsky. Refreshments will be served

The Town That Shot the Sheriff
Sunday, August 11th
2 pm
Pleasant Valley Meeting House (383 Cty Highway 1)
Premiere Highlights of the film by Victoria Kupchinetsky. Refreshments will be served

Reservoir Day Day/big>
Celebrating our Lost Villages

Sunday, September 1st
Begins at Noon at the Pleasant Valley Meeting House (383 Cty Highway 1). Bring a dish-to-pass!
2pm Film about the construction of the Pepacton Reservoir.  A display of pictures and memorabilia about the towns beneat the reservoir

Fall General Meetinging
Monday, October 21st
Fall Open Meeting beginning at 6:00 PM with a dish-to-pass followed by film "Bridal Review"
(1984 ASHC fundraiser) gowns modeled by ASHC members at that time.
Hunting Tavern

Soup and Bread Night
Saturday, December 7th 5:00
Soup and Bread Night at the Hunting Tavern 5:00 PM (following the tree lighting.) All are welcome!

Historical Exhibits at the Hunting Tavern
Anti-Rent War and portions of past exhibits located upstairs in Hunting Tavern

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